3 Secrets To Staying Consistent with Your Self Care (And The lies you've been told)

3 Secrets To Staying Consistent with Your Self Care (And The lies you've been told)

1. Be Clear on What It Is That You Need To Preserve Your Mind, Body, and Soul


The fast-paced nature of the world has driven people’s stress levels to an all-time high. And at a time when mental health is a major concern, being stress-free is probably the first thing that comes up when you think of self-care.

To avoid stress and be relaxed and calm, you have to take care of your mind,

body, and soul. And what better way to do that than to have a self-care plan.

It can be as simple as dropping a bad habit like smoking or not sleeping enough.

Or switch up your diet from unhealthy foods to incorporate, say, the Mediterranean diet that prioritizes fruits, cereals, vegetables, and nuts. Besides reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases, there is scientific proof that such a rich diet reduces your chances of suffering depression.

Even better, you can take immediate action and get started on a skincare routine to make you look lively and youthful. Talk to a skincare pro (check out The Spa Curator’s skincare plans) and get your custom skin care procedure today. 

You can also include other self-care activities in your daily schedule. Think:

  •       reading, journaling, or listening to self-care podcasts
  •       exercises at your home or local gym,
  •       taking a walk or hike, 
  •       self-reflection and meditation,
  •       breath control to relieve stress,
  •       taking a dance or yoga class
  •       taking organic supplements, etc.

Reducing your workload at the office, taking a vacation, or spending more time with your family also help get your mind, body, and soul right.

Once you have clear goals on what to do for a better mind, body, and soul, it’s time to follow through by staying the course.



2. Get Committed

Having a solid self-care routine that runs like clockwork is one thing, but sticking to it is how you achieve your self-care goals. Consistency is what gets you results. Follow these four steps:

      I.        Look up “How to start a self-care routine” on the internet and custom-make your step-by-step self-care plan.


Some of the self-care tips to consider as you create a plan include:

  •       avoiding self-care activities that you hate,
  •       pre-scheduling your daily self-care to-do’s, and
  •       keeping the routine simple and flexible


    II.        Don’t forget to check and evaluate your progress; if possible, get a friend to hold you accountable 


It’s great to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your self-care goals. However, it would also be honest to realize that your self-care journey will be tough.

Pro tip: Have lead measures to keep you on track because they are predictive of your self-care goal achievement. Besides, it’s mainly stuff within your control and that you can easily influence.

The number of workout sessions per week, a custom skincare routine from The Spa Curator, minutes of self-reflection and meditation per day are great examples of lead measures. 



   III.        Remember, it’s all about commitment


For instance, if you need to exercise and lack of time to gym is an issue, you can practice High-Intensity Interval Training (or a HIIT workout): cardiovascular-specific exercises that work just as good.

The best part is that it can take up as little as only 30 minutes of your hectic day, and you don’t even need gym equipment for it.


  IV.        Get professional self-care help


Why should you go it alone, yet professional help is a phone call away?

For your skin, for example, you can fit in a morning skincare routine right after you wake up. Or maybe opt for night-time skincare before you go to bed.

Either way, if you want to improve your skincare and are tired of using over-the-counter products that don’t seem to work, perhaps it’s time you got a working solution, once and for all.

A made-to-order skincare option offered by a provider such as The Spa Curator brings the spa treatment experience right into your living room.

You only need the actual skincare products and a step-by-step guide on what to use, how much of it, and when. So, you can easily incorporate it into your flexible schedule of daily skincare towards your self-care goals.

Some of the other daily self-care actions are ones you can do even on the go. Walking to and from your job (if it’s not too far) is better than taking a cab. You can take an hour off during your workday to read a chapter in your favorite murder mystery or listen to a self-care podcast, or practice breath control. 

All of these tips for daily self-care play a significant role in committing to your greater self-care desires and intended achievements. 

3. Manage Your Self-Care Expectations


As much as taking care of yourself is meant to enhance your wellbeing, it makes no sense to have unrealistic self-care expectations.

Organic supplements, Mediterranean meals, and the most rigorous HIIT sessions won’t see you lose weight in 7 days. But you could drop some pounds within a couple of weeks of consistently executing these self-care routines.

The Spa Curator’s offering doesn’t promise that it takes away your eye bags, acne, dry skin, rashes, and wrinkles in a day.

But two things are for sure: their box of self-care products will reduce your stress and get your skin glowing, and that you’ll get a specialized experience that will leave you satisfied.

So, for all the self-care actions you decide to take, make sure you have a reasonably matching target. For instance, you can start off meditating 10 minutes a day and gradually work your way to meditating 20 or 30 minutes a day.

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Make it known to your immediate circle that you have a daily self-care plan in place and would appreciate it if they support you rather than interrupt your self-care efforts.




Steer Clear of These Self-care Lies


Self-care is selfish


Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s only selfish when one intends to take from others or gain an unfair advantage at the expense of others. Self-care is the exact opposite.

Self-care entails effectively replenishing your energy and health for a better life balance. It’s what’s going to help you get back on track when life gets stressful. How can that be selfish?


Self-care Is Expensive


Of course, if you look at self-care as just buying the most popular legacy brand skincare products, for instance, then, in that respect, self-care is expensive.

On the other hand, it doesn’t hurt to get an affordable, customizable bundle of self-care products that will get you better results than the expensive stuff.


Self-care Must Be Perfect


Don’t go chasing perfection with your self-care routine or activities. Remember we mentioned that you need to manage your self-care expectations?

It’s not a competition, and besides a friend or two that you have to keep you focused, nobody will hold you to any self-care standards. So, quit being hard on yourself. It’s not worth it.


Self-care Can Only Be Done At a Specific Time


Self-care is an individual initiative. You can’t be forced into it. You decide what time is best for you and what self-care course of action your need to take.

Once you have clear self-care desires and needs and an action plan in place, you have taken the bold step of eliminating any distractions so you can get the lifelessness out of you. 


Self-care Is Easy


Self-care is not meant for specific types of people: it’s meant for everybody. You just need to take the right self-care moves.

It may not be easy to get into a self-care routine, but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn’t be much of a hassle. Just get what suits you, preferably a personalized choice.

And The Spa Curator’s range of personalized step-by-step at-home spa-like experiences is a dependable, honest and responsible way to kick off a self and skincare routine that works for you. It’s uncomplicated and guarantees to leave you feeling amazing.  





Self-care is on you and is more of an internal trigger. It’s all about finding what relaxes your mind, body, and soul.

And what calms your mind, body, and soul becomes your self-care activities—meditation, skin care, exercise, dieting, reading, yoga—you name it.

Organize these self-care activities into a daily self-care action plan, make it flexible but stick to it, and, most importantly, follow it religiously.

See the pros to accelerate your self-care plans.

Ladies Skin

And in the same vein, look no further than The Spa Curator. You know experience is everything, right? That’s why The Spa Curator offers a tailor-made box of self-care spa experiences that gives you a DIY self-care experience that might just trump even the best spa treatment you’ve ever had in your life.

If you want to tone down the stress, let the anti-aging kick in so that you can get your sexy back and start looking young, vibrant, and restored, then The Spa Curator self-care secret is what you need exactly. 

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